Posts Tagged "lydian @en"

“Responsible” Plunder of Nature: Problems Covered up by Lydian Regarding Exploitation of a Mine in Amulsar

“Responsible” Plunder of Nature:  Problems Covered up by Lydian Regarding Exploitation of a Mine in Amulsar

Business and Human Rights Resource Center turned to Lydian International, a company that intends to exploit a gold mine in Amulsar, a mountain near Jermuk, Armenia for a response to the petition initiated by Pan…
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Mining Tourism? An Open Letter

Mining Tourism? An Open Letter

Dear My Armenia Program and Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), As we are following any progress in Armenia that is particularly aimed at developing Armenia’s economy by creating sustainable alternatives such as green tourism, innovations…
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Opponents to Mining in Amulsar Held a Protest Action in Front of the Governmental Building

Opponents to Mining in Amulsar Held a Protest Action in Front of the Governmental Building

Since the unmanageable risks of mining in Amulsar are not properly assessed by Armenia’s government, the mine should not be exploited. This is one of the arguments of environmentalists who gathered in front of Armenia’s…
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Environmentalists will gather in front of the governmental building in protest to Amulsar mine project

Environmentalists will gather in front of the governmental building in protest to Amulsar mine project

With the groundless permission of Armenia’s government and with participation of private and international institutions protecting the international capital, “Lydian International” – an offshore company registered in the British Jersey island – plans to exploit…
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Are Lydian’s Claims Regarding Amulsar Mine and Cyanide Facility Valid?

Are Lydian’s Claims Regarding Amulsar Mine and Cyanide Facility Valid?

Bellavista gold mine, Costa Rica Environmental and Social Manager of Lydian Armenia (former Geoteam CJSC) Armen Stepanyan recently told a journalist from Hetq online newspaper that they initially exclude the possibility of the leach pad liner to…
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A Petition has Started on against the Gold Mine Exploitation in Amulsar (with updates)

A Petition has Started on against the Gold Mine Exploitation in Amulsar (with updates)

Together with local and international organizations Pan-Armenian Environmental Front (PAEF) civil initiative has started a petition on with the demand to stop gold mine exploitation in Amulsar and cease funding “Lydian International” offshore company. We…
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Attempts to silence those who voice risks of Amulsar gold mine

Attempts to silence those who voice risks of Amulsar gold mine

Recently the police of Kentron district called Levon Galstyan, member of the coordinating board of Pan-Armenian Environmental Front (PAEF) Civil Initiative and informed him that “Lydian Armenia”, the company that plans to exploit Amulsar mine,…
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Amulsar mine and vague future of Jermuk according to Lydian

Amulsar mine and vague future of Jermuk according to Lydian

British offshore company Lydian International Limited registered at Toronto Stock Exchange plans to exploit gold mine in Amulsar. For years it didn’t include Jermuk town as an area affected by the project. However, in May…
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Open Letter To the Yerevan Office of the World Bank: No More New Mines in Armenia, including the Amulsar gold mine

In response to the World Bank Yerevan office’s invitation to participate in a workshop to discuss the draft note on “Environmental Governance in Mining Sector”, we would like to state that we refuse to participate…
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Unsustainable Projects in Armenia: Case of Amulsar Gold Mining by Lydian International

Unsustainable Projects in Armenia: Case of Amulsar Gold Mining by Lydian International

Lydian International Limited company is a mineral exploration and development corporation registered in an offshore zone namely in Jersey, Channel Islands. The Company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and it owns a mining…
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