Posts Tagged "lydian @en"

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has no willingness to study the reports by international independent experts on gold project in Amulsar

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has no willingness to study the reports by international independent experts on gold project in Amulsar

On 4th of August, 2017, a number of organizations wrote to RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan with request to order the Ministry of Nature Protection to seriously study and assess the reports by international experts on…
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The Joint Assessment of International Consulting Companies Regarding Lydian’s Amulsar Gold Mining Project is Negative

The Joint Assessment of International Consulting Companies Regarding Lydian’s Amulsar Gold Mining Project is Negative

Experts from three internationally acclaimed companies, such as Blue Minerals Consultancy from Australia, Buka Environmental from the USA and Clear Coast Consulting, Inc., Canada have studied more than a dozen documents available on Lydian International’s…
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Environmentalists demand from the government to study the conclusions on Amulsar by international independent experts

Environmentalists demand from the government to study the conclusions on Amulsar by international independent experts

On August 4, 2017 a number of environmental organizations submitted a letter to RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan and Minister of Environmental Protection Artsvik Minasyan presenting the recent reports and conclusions by international independent experts….
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The national security of Armenia is under threat: sulphuric acid, being formed in Amulsar, will be extremely dangerous. SOS

The national security of Armenia is under threat: sulphuric acid, being formed in Amulsar, will be extremely dangerous. SOS

“The gold mine will become a huge sulfuric acid generating generator, once the covered layers are removed” – Dr. Armen Saghatelyan Public concerns and alarms on the exploitation of Amulsar gold mine quartzite are intensifying….
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IFC’s groundless trust towards offshore Lydian International company

IFC’s groundless trust towards offshore Lydian International company

Back in April 2014 residents of Jermuk and Gndevaz as well as number of environmental NGOs and civil initiatives sent a complaint to IFC’s Office of the Compliance Advisor/Compliance (CAO) about “Lydian International” company’s open-pit…
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Huge amount of heavy and dangerous metals incompatible with life found in Kavart stream

Huge amount of heavy and dangerous metals incompatible with life found in Kavart stream

Acid rock drainage in mines is a serious and unmanageable ecological problem, which inevitably occurs in all sulphide metal mines during the operation and can continue for hundreds of years. Continuing studying the situation with…
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Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Mining Project in Amulsar

Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Mining Project in Amulsar

Still in December 2016, Armenian Environmental Front civic initiative published an open letter addressed to the cofounders of “Aurora” humanitarian prize Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeian with a request to explain the contradictions in their…
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Technical gaps and problems of Amulsar mine project: interview with chemical/ecological engineer Harout Bronozian (USA)

Technical gaps and problems of Amulsar mine project: interview with chemical/ecological engineer Harout Bronozian (USA)

Since December 2014 Harout Bronozian has been writing to representatives of Lydian Armenia and Armenia’s Ministry of Nature Protection regarding Amulsar gold mine exploitation project. The correspondence has been mainly about the technical aspects of…
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February 16, Court Hearing Around the Claim to Cancel Amulsar Gold Mine Project. AEF

February 16, Court Hearing Around the Claim to Cancel Amulsar Gold Mine Project. AEF

Since April 2015, many residents of Gndevaz community of Vayots Dzor marz and two environmental NGOs have been litigating the permits given by the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as well as other Governmental agencies…
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Is Aurora Compatible with Amulsar Mining? Open letter to Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan

Is Aurora Compatible with Amulsar Mining? Open letter to Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan

To the Founders of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Members of Board of Directors of Ameriabank CJSC Noubar Afeyan Ruben Vardanyan Dear Mr. Afeyan, Mr. Vardanyan, Days ago we were surprised and disappointed to learn that…
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