A letter of anger and hope

Stop anyone in the street and ask if they love Nature, most of them will say they do. But for a reason this love is passionless and effortless, as we witness continuous suffering of Nature…
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Stop anyone in the street and ask if they love Nature, most of them will say they do. But for a reason this love is passionless and effortless, as we witness continuous suffering of Nature…
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In response to the World Bank Yerevan office’s invitation to participate in a workshop to discuss the draft note on “Environmental Governance in Mining Sector”, we would like to state that we refuse to participate…
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Lydian International Limited company is a mineral exploration and development corporation registered in an offshore zone namely in Jersey, Channel Islands. The Company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and it owns a mining…
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Here you can become familiar with various expert opinions, analysis, articles and videos regarding the Amulsar gold mine published during different time periods. The list will be updated regularly by us and will include materials…
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