Posts Tagged "armenia @en"

Movement for Free Flowing Rivers Grows

Movement for Free Flowing Rivers Grows

A new movement is growing in the world aimed at demolishing dams over the rivers. The movement is known by its name “International Rivers” and for 22 years the movement celebrates March 14 as the…
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Latest from Amulsar and people’s protests in Jermuk

Latest from Amulsar and people’s protests in Jermuk

It has been several days now that the residents near the mountain Amulsar, as well as environmentalists have been keeping the roads leading to the mountain closed, this way preventing Lydian company from continuing its…
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“The government of Armenia and its citizens should stop Amulsar mine”: international experts

“The government of Armenia and its citizens should stop Amulsar mine”: international experts

Four internationally famous experts (from Australia, USA and Canada), with the help of American-Armenian Harut Bronozian, have been researching documents from Lydian International’s website since July of last year and concluded in their evaluations, that…
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Residents reject mining future

Residents reject mining future

On the 1st of December (2017) second public hearing was to be held in Mghart village of Odzun community (Lori region). The hearings were regarding the initial assessment of geological research in 2017-2020 on Shekaghbyur…
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Open Letter: EBRD investment in Lydian International’s mining project in Amulsar and how it threatens the sustainability of the region

Open Letter: EBRD investment in Lydian International’s mining project in Amulsar and how it threatens the sustainability of the region

On the 26th of October 2017 Armenian Environmental Front civil initiative sent a letter to EBRD, as well as to its office in Armenia regarding EBRD’s financing of Lydian International and its gold mining project…
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Open Letter: Funding construction of a new landfill without recycling facilities is not acceptable in the age of human-caused-climate-crisis

Open Letter: Funding construction of a new landfill without recycling facilities is not acceptable in the age of human-caused-climate-crisis

On October 24, 2017 Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) civil initiative sent a letter to EBRD, EIB and Department of European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations regarding the loan provided to Armenia to construct a landfill that…
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Huge amount of heavy and dangerous metals incompatible with life found in Kavart stream

Huge amount of heavy and dangerous metals incompatible with life found in Kavart stream

Acid rock drainage in mines is a serious and unmanageable ecological problem, which inevitably occurs in all sulphide metal mines during the operation and can continue for hundreds of years. Continuing studying the situation with…
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The latest accident will cost ZCMC 6 million drams: the ministry is silent about previous cases. Hetq

The latest accident will cost ZCMC 6 million drams: the ministry is silent about previous cases. Hetq

This article by Marine Martirosyan originally appeared on Hetq Investigative Journalists website Artsvik tailing As a result of pollution of Norashenik river in Syunik Region, the National Environmental Inspectorate of the Ministry of Environmental Protection initiated an administrative…
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A letter of anger and hope

A letter of anger and hope

Stop anyone in the street and ask if they love Nature, most of them will say they do. But for a reason this love is passionless and effortless, as we witness continuous suffering of Nature…
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Privatized Rivers of Armenia

Privatized Rivers of Armenia

There are around 173 small hydropower plants (SHPP) in Armenia, of which around 114 are on natural streams. The license for these SHPPs is given for about 15 years. The electricity producers sell the electricity…
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