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Amulsar: conclusions of international renown experts

Three international well known expert groups (from Australia, USA and Canada) (on the order of Harut Bronozian from the US) studied dozens of documents available on Lydian International company’s website and presented their assessments and conclusions…
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The national security of Armenia is under threat: sulphuric acid, being formed in Amulsar, will be extremely dangerous. SOS

The national security of Armenia is under threat: sulphuric acid, being formed in Amulsar, will be extremely dangerous. SOS

“The gold mine will become a huge sulfuric acid generating generator, once the covered layers are removed” – Dr. Armen Saghatelyan Public concerns and alarms on the exploitation of Amulsar gold mine quartzite are intensifying….
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According to international acclaimed experts gold project in Amulsar should not start։ What has Lydian hidden and what the Armenian government has been “unaware” of

According to international acclaimed experts gold project in Amulsar should not start։ What has Lydian hidden and what the Armenian government has been “unaware” of

For years Armenian scientists, specialists and environmentalists presented from their field of expertise the dangers of gold project in Amulsar planned by Lydian International. They insisted that this project should not be realized.  Many times…
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IFC’s groundless trust towards offshore Lydian International company

IFC’s groundless trust towards offshore Lydian International company

Back in April 2014 residents of Jermuk and Gndevaz as well as number of environmental NGOs and civil initiatives sent a complaint to IFC’s Office of the Compliance Advisor/Compliance (CAO) about “Lydian International” company’s open-pit…
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Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Mining Project in Amulsar

Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Mining Project in Amulsar

Still in December 2016, Armenian Environmental Front civic initiative published an open letter addressed to the cofounders of “Aurora” humanitarian prize Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeian with a request to explain the contradictions in their…
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IFC Response to Environmental Groups’ Concerns Regarding Gold Mine Project in Amulsar

IFC Response to Environmental Groups’ Concerns Regarding Gold Mine Project in Amulsar

Bellow is the short response by IFC to our detailed letter as to why gold mine in Amulsar should not be exploited. ________________________ Dear civil society organizations, Thank you for your letter dated April 24, 2017,…
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Amulsar: Letter to the Board of Directors of the World Bank COO and VPs of the International Finance Corporation

Amulsar: Letter to the Board of Directors of the World Bank COO and VPs of the International Finance Corporation

In April 2014 and July 2014, residents of Gndevaz and Jermuk communities together with several environmental NGOs in Armenia submitted two complaints to CAO with regard to IFC’s investment in Lydian International Limited, a mining…
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At Lydian skills to persuade are more important than professional experience

At Lydian skills to persuade are more important than professional experience

During the meeting in Gndevaz held on the 6th of April, Lydian company’s “specialist” from South Africa, metallurgical manager John Fourie announced that cyanide heap leach facility will be completely safe, so safe that it…
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Technical gaps and problems of Amulsar mine project: interview with chemical/ecological engineer Harout Bronozian (USA)

Technical gaps and problems of Amulsar mine project: interview with chemical/ecological engineer Harout Bronozian (USA)

Since December 2014 Harout Bronozian has been writing to representatives of Lydian Armenia and Armenia’s Ministry of Nature Protection regarding Amulsar gold mine exploitation project. The correspondence has been mainly about the technical aspects of…
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Free Condoms for EBRD – one of the Investors of the Amulsar Gold Mine (video)

Free Condoms for EBRD – one of the Investors of the Amulsar Gold Mine (video)

On March 7, 2017, European Bank for Reconsruction and Development (EBRD), together with the representatives of the European Union and the Swedish Government, were presenting a project funded by their respective institutions and titled “Business…
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