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Acid Mine Drainage in Amulsar and its Hazard․ Professor Armen Saghatelyan

Acid Mine Drainage in Amulsar and its Hazard․ Professor Armen Saghatelyan

On December 12, 2017 alternative public expertise was carried out as a result of which negative ecological conclusion was given to possible gold mine exploitation with the use of cyanide in Amulsar. During the 3-hour…
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Amulsar: Alternative Public Expertise On December 12

Amulsar: Alternative Public Expertise On December 12

On December 12 at 10:45 am – 14:00 an environmental meeting will be held, during which industry experts and environmentalists will examine the issues that are being ignored by the Armenian government and responsible state…
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Court Cases against Mining Project in Amulsar

Court Cases against Mining Project in Amulsar

Currently there are several court cases against gold mining project in Amulsar. They have the following developments. In the RA Administrative Court the complaint presented by 8 Gndevaz residents continues to be examined. The residents…
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International expert disagrees with Lydian’s optimistic interpretations regarding Amulsar mine and notes the errors of geochemical characterization

International expert disagrees with Lydian’s optimistic interpretations regarding Amulsar mine and notes the errors of geochemical characterization

On October 30, 2017 Ann Maest, PhD, “Buka Environmental” presented a Memorandum titled “Evaluation of Geochemical Characterization Results and Proposed Additional Studies for the Amulsar Project, Armenia”. Her contracting party is chemical/environmental engineer Harry Bronozian….
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Open Letter: EBRD investment in Lydian International’s mining project in Amulsar and how it threatens the sustainability of the region

Open Letter: EBRD investment in Lydian International’s mining project in Amulsar and how it threatens the sustainability of the region

On the 26th of October 2017 Armenian Environmental Front civil initiative sent a letter to EBRD, as well as to its office in Armenia regarding EBRD’s financing of Lydian International and its gold mining project…
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Open letter to the American University of Armenia: Your biased attitude towards mining issues casts doubt on your academic ethics and public responsibility

Open letter to the American University of Armenia: Your biased attitude towards mining issues casts doubt on your academic ethics and public responsibility

AUA President Mr. Der Kiureghian, Director of Acopian Center for the Environment Mr. Amirkhanian, students of the University, We read in the description of the Facebook event announced by Acopian Center for the Environment that…
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New Documental Film on gold mine project in Amulsar and public opposition

New Documental Film on gold mine project in Amulsar and public opposition

On the 15th of September, 2017, public was presented with a film “Amulsar: State of Indifference” prepared by “Public Diplomacy” NGO. The film is available in Armenian, Russian and English.

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The Ministry of Environmental Protection has no willingness to study the reports by international independent experts on gold project in Amulsar

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has no willingness to study the reports by international independent experts on gold project in Amulsar

On 4th of August, 2017, a number of organizations wrote to RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan with request to order the Ministry of Nature Protection to seriously study and assess the reports by international experts on…
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The Joint Assessment of International Consulting Companies Regarding Lydian’s Amulsar Gold Mining Project is Negative

The Joint Assessment of International Consulting Companies Regarding Lydian’s Amulsar Gold Mining Project is Negative

Experts from three internationally acclaimed companies, such as Blue Minerals Consultancy from Australia, Buka Environmental from the USA and Clear Coast Consulting, Inc., Canada have studied more than a dozen documents available on Lydian International’s…
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Environmentalists demand from the government to study the conclusions on Amulsar by international independent experts

Environmentalists demand from the government to study the conclusions on Amulsar by international independent experts

On August 4, 2017 a number of environmental organizations submitted a letter to RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan and Minister of Environmental Protection Artsvik Minasyan presenting the recent reports and conclusions by international independent experts….
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