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Announcement of Bronozian Consultants after visiting Amulsar

Announcement of Bronozian Consultants after visiting Amulsar

On June 23, 2018 Dr. Ann Maest and Dr. Andre Sobolewski held a press conference during which they spoke about their trip to Amulsar, results of the meeting with Lydian and their final conclusions. They…
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“The government of Armenia and its citizens should stop Amulsar mine”: international experts

“The government of Armenia and its citizens should stop Amulsar mine”: international experts

Four internationally famous experts (from Australia, USA and Canada), with the help of American-Armenian Harut Bronozian, have been researching documents from Lydian International’s website since July of last year and concluded in their evaluations, that…
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Lydian is facing a collapse

Lydian is facing a collapse

One can conclude this judging by the comments that can be found on Toronto Stock Exchange page of Lydian International offshore company. Here, a number of shareholders of the company are concerned with the company’s activities since they…
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People do not support mining in Amulsar (photos, videos)

People do not support mining in Amulsar (photos, videos)

On the 28th of April a group of environmentalists, activists had a trip to Amulsar. These days, when Armenia is going through revolutionary events, when the prime minister of the country has resigned, several ministers,…
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Mine in Amulsar, media and Lydian

Mine in Amulsar, media and Lydian

Independent and comprehensive media coverage is among key missions of mass media. How do the Armenian media respect these principles with regard to Lydian and its Amulsar gold project. This poster presents a number of…
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Those Responsible for Funding and Equipping mining in Amulsar

Those Responsible for Funding and Equipping mining in Amulsar

In February 2017, Armenian Environmental Front published information on philanthropists of Armenian origin who support opening a mine in Amulsar Mountain next to Jermuk. We are now presenting the key entities responsible for funding and…
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EBRD renounces its liability in Amulsar mine project

EBRD renounces its liability in Amulsar mine project

One of the main sponsors of the mining project planned on mountain Amulsar next to Jermuk town is European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). EBRD was established in 1991 by the USA and European…
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Who are Lydian’s “independent” mining experts?

Who are Lydian’s “independent” mining experts?

There are number of factual reasons why no mine should be exploited in Amulsar and these have been brought forward by experts with years of experience. However, in addition to this, the offshore Lydian company…
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About gold mine project in Amulsar presented by Lydian International

About gold mine project in Amulsar presented by Lydian International

It is no news that on December 24, 2017, international independent experts declined the invitation of Armenia’s Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan to participate in the trilateral meeting with Lydian International’s consultants to discuss…
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International Experts Respond to Artsvik Minasyan’s Invitation to a Meeting Around Amulsar Project’s Issues

International Experts Respond to Artsvik Minasyan’s Invitation to a Meeting Around Amulsar Project’s Issues

We became aware from an email sent to the media and larger public by Harout Bronozian, chemical and environmental engineer, that he and internationally acclaimed mining experts that have been making extensive critiques on the…
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