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The Joint Assessment of International Consulting Companies Regarding Lydian’s Amulsar Gold Mining Project is Negative

The Joint Assessment of International Consulting Companies Regarding Lydian’s Amulsar Gold Mining Project is Negative

Experts from three internationally acclaimed companies, such as Blue Minerals Consultancy from Australia, Buka Environmental from the USA and Clear Coast Consulting, Inc., Canada have studied more than a dozen documents available on Lydian International’s…
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Amulsar: conclusions of international renown experts

Three international well known expert groups (from Australia, USA and Canada) (on the order of Harut Bronozian from the US) studied dozens of documents available on Lydian International company’s website and presented their assessments and conclusions…
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According to international acclaimed experts gold project in Amulsar should not start։ What has Lydian hidden and what the Armenian government has been “unaware” of

According to international acclaimed experts gold project in Amulsar should not start։ What has Lydian hidden and what the Armenian government has been “unaware” of

For years Armenian scientists, specialists and environmentalists presented from their field of expertise the dangers of gold project in Amulsar planned by Lydian International. They insisted that this project should not be realized.  Many times…
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IFC’s groundless trust towards offshore Lydian International company

IFC’s groundless trust towards offshore Lydian International company

Back in April 2014 residents of Jermuk and Gndevaz as well as number of environmental NGOs and civil initiatives sent a complaint to IFC’s Office of the Compliance Advisor/Compliance (CAO) about “Lydian International” company’s open-pit…
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Huge amount of heavy and dangerous metals incompatible with life found in Kavart stream

Huge amount of heavy and dangerous metals incompatible with life found in Kavart stream

Acid rock drainage in mines is a serious and unmanageable ecological problem, which inevitably occurs in all sulphide metal mines during the operation and can continue for hundreds of years. Continuing studying the situation with…
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Cronimet says it is reponsible, ZCMC acts the opposite way

Cronimet says it is reponsible, ZCMC acts the opposite way

ZCMC, photo by Ecolur Cronimet German company that owns 60% in the company Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine (ZCMC) exploiting Kajaran mine, Armenia, recently responded to platform’s enquiry. The subject of the inquiry was actually…
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Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Mining Project in Amulsar

Humanitarian “Aurora” and Inhumane Mining Project in Amulsar

Still in December 2016, Armenian Environmental Front civic initiative published an open letter addressed to the cofounders of “Aurora” humanitarian prize Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeian with a request to explain the contradictions in their…
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Bears kept in captivity disappear after alerts to Armenia’s Ministry of Nature Protection

Bears kept in captivity disappear after alerts to Armenia’s Ministry of Nature Protection

In the last month the civil initiative Armenian Environmental Front is receiving a number of alerts on caged wild animals, particularly mentioning Red listed brown bears kept in cages at entertainment and recreational zones throughout…
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A new report has been published on how the IFC profits from land grabbing in Africa

A new report has been published on how the IFC profits from land grabbing in Africa

Since some people believe that negative effects of gold mine in Amulsar are impossible “thanks” to International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) engagement in this project and its high social and environmental standards, below we present an…
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IFC Response to Environmental Groups’ Concerns Regarding Gold Mine Project in Amulsar

IFC Response to Environmental Groups’ Concerns Regarding Gold Mine Project in Amulsar

Bellow is the short response by IFC to our detailed letter as to why gold mine in Amulsar should not be exploited. ________________________ Dear civil society organizations, Thank you for your letter dated April 24, 2017,…
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